Cons: Poor Accuracy. Takes mini battery. Exspenese. Low FPS (250 fps)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tokyo Marui G3 SAS review
Cons: Poor Accuracy. Takes mini battery. Exspenese. Low FPS (250 fps)
Review of Crossman Pulse R72 (G3 Model)
Cons: Innacurate. low fps. Overpriced. Poor qaulity manufacturer. Only takes min battery even with large stock. All plastic.
Review: Over all this is a pretty well balanced assault rifle for those just staring airsoft. It is a fully electric gun (LPEG) and has a decent rate of fire, (though because the clip is plastic it is not the highest quality) but it does lackthe "punch" of an airsoft assault rifle with relatively low FPS for an assault rifle of its size. This may be due to the small mini battery it comes with. It is a reliable decent starter gun though and can see you through many confrintations (the clip though needs extra care and constant lubing).
Bottom Line: I would reccomend this to a friend who wants a decent gun just getting started in airsoft.
Over All 3 and a half stars
My Review of Colt 25 Spring Powered Airsoft Pistol, Black
Originally submitted at Dick's Sporting Goods
The Colt® 25 spring-powered airsoft pistol brings you a compact size that can easily be used as a reliable backup. It has a magazine capacity of 15 airsoft BBs and offers a velocity of 141 fps.
Colt 25 Spring Powered Airsoft Pistol, Black
Good backup not good main
By Longtime Airsofter from Mannassas Virginia on 4/2/2008Pros: Cheap, Lightweight, Compact, Good for back up, Cool looking, Easy to carry
Cons: Inaccurate, Bad Range, Bad distance, Poor sights, Difficult To Reload
Best Uses: Backup
Describe Yourself: Experienced
I am a pretty weathered airsofter and this gun would be a good or poor choice depending on what you do. Do not plan to use this as your main gun, it is just not powerful enough, but if you have a reliable and high powered gun consider getting it, if you need to reload take this out and shoot it off to keep heads down, a good back up for the price, however the main purpose of the gun is not to get people out or be a main force, but just a small compact gun that is easily accesible to cover your self when running reloading ect. The compactness also makes it great to keep in pockets when you need it you just take it out.